Practical Bible teaching to help you live and grow in your fellowship with the Father and Son

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Learn and experience God’s word in your life

Discover an abundant way of life through Jesus. Root yourself in His word and experience His promise of a fulfilling life.

But here is the problem...

  • Biblical illiteracy is a widespread and growing problem
  • Many Christians admit they occasionally or rarely read the Bible
  • Those who do read it struggle to understand it or methodically study it

Can You Relate?

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The Bible can be a challenging book to engage with. It takes effort and making sense of it can be tough. I get that.

  • The Bible is a large and ancient text.
  • It was written in a different cultural context.
  • Some passages may be difficult to understand.
  • It can be hard to discern what God is saying to you through it.

With willingness and commitment, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and hear the message that God has for you.
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My Bible Academy, with Nader Mansour, provides resources to help you read, understand, and live the Bible - so you can follow Jesus more fully and share Him effectively with others.

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Learn how to understand and apply the Bible in a meaningful way.
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Hi, I'm Nader Mansour

I've been preaching the gospel for over 20 years in many countries & online. I love teaching the Bible and sharing its message with others. I am a firm believer in its power to change lives, and I have seen it do so time and again. I am passionate about helping people to understand its truths and to apply them to their own lives. I’m convinced Bible teaching needs to be simple, clear and practical. My burden is to help people gain a deeper knowledge of God and a meaningful connection with Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
My understanding of the bible has increased by far. I now read the bible with a different mind set I am now beginning to understand the scripture. I now do a deeper bible study than I've ever done before. I also feel the urge to share my thoughts and findings from the scripture with other people. I can't thank you enough for the guidance.
I have been blessed by God with the knowledge he has shown from your videos. I have asked for this for many years but it has been my fault I did not receive it earlier in my life. Never have I heard such teaching. I thank God for your videos.
Thank you for this message - it was Beautifully Simple - and Simply Beautiful! I am a pastor who has been given his sight by our lovely Lord Jesus Christ - the One True God’s Only Begotten Son! After 27 years of thinking that I knew Him, I have now had 4 years of truly KNOWING Him!
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Whether you prefer video, written content, audio, or structured courses, we have a variety of resources to cater to your preferred learning style and to further enrich your exploration of the Bible.

Expand YOUR Bible knowledge with in-depth video sermons

Learn the truth about the Trinity doctrine and why that matters.
How can you avoid twisting the Bible?
Are many Christians following a fake Jesus?
Who is the other Comforter that Jesus promised?

Have you ever wondered...

  • What is the purpose of life according to the Bible?
  • Is the Bible reliable and trustworthy?
  • How can I develop a deeper relationship with God?
  • What is the meaning and significance of faith?
  • Who is Jesus Christ and what did he teach?
  • Is Jesus God or the Son of God?
  • Why is He called the only begotten Son?
  • How can I receive salvation and eternal life?
  • Does prayer make a difference? How should I pray?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit and how does it work in a believer's life?
  • How can I overcome doubts and grow in my faith?
  • Is Satan in my church?
  • How can I overcome Sin and Satan?
  • What is the role of the Church and why is it important?
  • How can I live a life that pleases God and reflects His love?
  • What is the biblical perspective on forgiveness and reconciliation?
  • What is the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus?
  • How can I apply the teachings of the Bible to my everyday life?
  • Is the Trinity doctrine in the Bible?
  • How does faith play a crucial role in the life of a believer?
  • What is the core message of the Gospel according to the Bible?
  • What are the significant covenants in the Bible and their relevance today?
  • Does the Bible talk about the Great Reset?
  • Is the New World order mentioned in Bible prophecy?
  • What does the Bible say about dragon worship in the last days?
  • How can we live a life of unwavering faith, guided by biblical principles?
  • What are the key teachings of Jesus, and how can we apply them in our lives?
  • What does true biblical unity entail, and how can it be achieved among believers?
  • How can we discern and embrace biblical truth amidst a world full of conflicting ideas?
  • How does the Bible challenge and reshape our understanding of the world's systems?
  • What are the scriptural foundations for living a life aligned with God's will?
  • What does it mean to experience the ultimate spiritual transformation?
  • What does the Bible teach about the power of prayer in our lives?
  • How can we find hope and purpose through the promises of God's Word?
  • How do I build a stronger lasting faith?
  • How can I have peace in the storms of life?
  • Who are the gods of Babylon?
  • Are we living in the last days?
  • How to have the faith of Jesus and be ready for the end times?
  • Who is Michael the Archangel and what is his role in the Bible?
  • What are the Jewish festivals and how do they relate to the New Covenant?
  • How to recognize and resist Satan worship and deception in the world?
  • What is the difference between the written word and the Living Word?
  • How to interpret the Bible correctly and avoid false teachings?
  • How to recognize and overcome legalism, hypocrisy, and self-righteousness in religion?
  • How to find peace, comfort, and hope in times of suffering, loss, and grief?
  • Who is Jesus Christ and what is His role in Christianity?
  • What is prayer and how does it connect us to God and others?
  • What is the Church and how does it relate to God’s kingdom and mission?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit and how does He work in a believer’s life?